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What Are Veneers?

mountain divider Veneers are thin, porcelain casings that cover the front of your teeth. They give your teeth an entirely new appearance and put the power in your hands to choose what you want your smile to look like. To place veneers, we have to remove a significant portion of enamel to make room for the porcelain shells. Then, we’ll take impressions of your prepared teeth to ensure that your veneers are cut to the right dimensions. We’ll also use our 3D smile preview software to design your new smile and send the impressions along with the 3D model to our off-site lab. Once our lab has finished your veneers, we’ll call you in to permanently bond them to your teeth. We’ll make sure that you’re happy with them and that they fit properly.

What Is The Veneers Placement Process Like?

mountain divider We’ll first need you to come in for a consultation with Dr. Perlman or Dr. Mai. We’ll examine your teeth and take x-rays to ensure that you have no active oral health problems or severe damage that can not be fixed with veneers. The next step is to file down your tooth enamel by .5mm. The reason we do this is so your veneers don’t stick out, as this is the proportionate thickness of the veneers. By filing down your enamel, your veneers will be level with your other teeth and this also encourages the bonding process. We’ll then take impressions of your teeth and send them to a dental lab that will create your veneers. It will take a few weeks for them to arrive at our dental office, so in the meantime, we will place temporary veneers over your teeth.  Once your official veneers are ready, we’ll remove the temporary veneers, check how they fit and look and then bond them to your tooth enamel.

How Long Do Veneers Last?

mountain divider This depends on many factors, such as the material the veneers are made of, the location of the veneers, oral hygiene, and lifestyle. Composite resin veneers have a shorter lifespan of about 4-8 years, while porcelain veneers last much longer, on average about 10-15 years.  While veneers are made of durable materials, porcelain is still prone to chipping and cracking when it undergoes a lot of wear and tear over many years. To increase the lifespan of your veneers, you will need to practice good oral hygiene by brushing twice a day and flossing once a day.  Use a soft-bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Hard bristles are too abrasive and can wear away at the veneers. Wear a mouthguard if you grind your teeth at night or play contact sports. Avoid chewing on hard or sticky foods, never use your teeth to open packages, and avoid chewing on objects or your fingernails.

What Is The Difference Between Cosmetic Crowns & Veneers?

mountain divider Dental crowns are different from veneers because they cover all surfaces of the tooth and are like a cap for the tooth, while veneers are only bonded to the front-facing side, and act as shells that cover only the outward-facing surface of the teeth. Dental crowns are very strong, durable, and cover every surface of a tooth. This makes them suitable for both restorative and cosmetic purposes. Whether a patient wants to correct a discolored tooth or has undergone severe dental trauma, a crown can be used in either case. Veneers, on the other hand, are not nearly as strong or durable as dental crowns and only cover the front surface of the teeth. This makes them a purely cosmetic treatment. While veneers can cover up minor chips or cracks, they can’t restore a tooth with severe damage and won’t protect a tooth that has cracked through to the root.

Are Veneers Right For Me?

mountain divider Veneers are a great cosmetic solution for most patients who are in good overall and oral health. However, we don’t recommend veneers for patients with severe dental trauma or damage, large fillings, or who suffer from Bruxism.  Patients who are not committed to wearing veneers for the rest of their life are also not good candidates. Veneers are irreversible because the filing down of your enamel is permanent. This means you will need to have your veneers replaced every 10-15 years for the rest of your life.